Better Watches; Better World
Our obsession with time comes with acknowledging that ours is finite. We founded Oroboros to give time meaning beyond our own lives and impact others.
Through our roots based design approach, we are constantly reminded of our history and the efforts our ancestors and predecessors made to enable us to live the lives we do today. Our success is a debt to them. But we also owe a debt to enable others in the same way.
While we have time...
Dum tempus habemus...
Asides from making watches that offer excellent quality & value, we wanted to be a company with the right qualities & values. We couldn’t advocate for forgotten places without remembering forgotten people.
One in ten people still live on less than $1.90 a day, often without access to food, clean water, or shelter.
Over 50 million school-aged children are still unable to attend school.
One in three women still experience physical & sexual violence and all women still earn only 77 cents to every dollar men earn for the same work.
These numbers offer a cruel reminder of how blessed we are -- particularly in coming from areas disproportionately affected by these issues. There is wisdom in the Algerian proverb: “When I think of others’ misfortunes, I forget mine”.
But forgetting was not enough.
We wanted to take action.

...Let Us Do Good
...operemur bonum
For that reason, we have partnered with Pious Projects and are proud to donate 10% of our profits to support underprivileged communities in the Middle East and Africa. Our commitment to social responsibility is rooted in our values and we strive to make a positive impact on the lives of those in need.
Will a watch company save the world? No. But the collective impact of customers who share the philosophy of living through giving, we may each be one droplet in an ocean of change. The world’s most vulnerable populations have repeatedly been failed by indifference. Through positively impacting the life of even just one person in a meaningful way, that is a small improvement. And small improvements, consistently, are what make the biggest change happen.

In turn, we hope to bring things full circle (just like in our logo); shaping the places that have shaped who we are. 'Better Watches; Better World' is our promise to do things right with our products & do the right thing as a company. It is a reminder to us to be infinitely thankful to the people who have made our dreams possible, and to make the same possible for others.
Join us in our mission to create a better world, one watch at a time.